Friday, July 21, 2006

NRCC's laughing stock Press Release

The TU blog catches the NRCC with its pants down. The GOP was so busy trying to claim that Gillibrand has no support here and moan about the amount of money that Gillibrand raised in the district (claiming not enough came from inside the 20th), they failed to check their numbers. It turns out that in that thing we like to call reality. In fact, Kirsten Gillibrand has more support from within the district than Sweeney does!

Sweeney raised less money than Gillibrand from within the 20th District. He also raised far more of his funds from outside NY state.

Say it with me: What HYPOCRITEs!

...Sweeney’s contributions, which found that only $23,850 - or 5 percent - of the $482,422 he raised during the last quarter (April 1 - June 30) came from inside the 20th, while $457,122 (95 percent) came from outside it. ...

Only $23,850 - or 5 percent - of the $482,422 he raised during the last quarter (April 1 - June 30) came from inside the 20th, while $457,122 (95 percent) came from outside it.

Gillibrand’s stats for this quarter: $31,662 (7 percent) in district, $401,371 (93 percent) out of district.

Sweeney also raised quite a bit more out-of-state cash, $314,114 (65 percent), to Gillibrand’s $328,931 (49 percent), during the last quarter. ...

Here's a break down of Sweeney Funders:

$500, Advanced Micro Systems PAC

$9,000, General Electric’s PAC

$2,000 Wal-Mart Stores

$698, in-kind from the NRCC (all those press releases?)

$1,000, Salvatore DiCarlo (owner of DiCarlo’s Gentleman’s Club [aka nudie bar])

$1,000, Harold Ickes (an adviser to U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY)

$1,534, Jeffrey J. Kimbell (pharmaceutical lobbyist whose house Sweeney and his Utah ski weekend fundraiser attendees dined)

$13,550 ($1,400 of which was returned) from the Nigro family (a big local developer)

$39,400 ($10,200) from the Led Duke family (another big local developer)

$500 Henry Zwack, former Rensselaer County executive, OASAS executive deputy commissioner

Additionally, 87% of Gillibrand's funds are from individual donors while 45% of Sweeney's comes from Special Interest Groups. (source)

Of course, the more Sweeney's supporters distract the media with charges like this, the less they have to talk about Sweeney's ethics problems and his abysmal record.


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