Monday, August 14, 2006

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good News: Another day another Gillibrand accomplishment.

The Bad News: I would like it if someone can explain to me why the PostStar thinks that there is something wrong with following a public figure around and filming them. They suggested in an editorial this weekend that Kirsten Gillibrand's volunteer should just hold a notepad instead. Yeah right, sure Sweeney would admit to saying anything they claimed he said with no proof whatsoever because golly gee, he never denies anything that he actually did. Hello? Remember how he tried to convince us that no matter what the photos reveal, he's not drunk at that frat party. I say there is nothing wrong with a volunteer holding Sweeney accountable to his words. And yes, get the proof. That is what the press should always support.

Ironically, in the same issue in which they claim that Gillibrand isn't focused on the issues of campaign enough (we beg to differ with them on that) they report that:

Area paper mills could be part of the solution to the oil crisis, Democratic congressional candidate Kirsten Gillibrand said Saturday.

Researchers have suggested cellulosic fibers contained in waste discarded in the process of making paper can be converted into fuel, Gillibrand said during a question-and-answer session at the Glens Falls Democratic Picnic.

Converting pulp mill waste into fuel has the potential to bring new revenues to the paper industry as well as reduce reliance on foreign oil, she said.

The nation needs an energy policy that addresses both economics and the environment...

The Ugly News (for JS that is): A recent poll shows more bad news for John Sweeney. Sweeney tries to claim he's not a Bush lap dog these days but we all know that is just because Bush's numbers are going down so fast that before you know it there will be more Americans who think Elvis is still alive than those who think Bush is doing a good job.

...More sobering for the GOP are the number of voters who backed Bush in 2004 who are ready to vote Democratic in the fall's congressional elections — 19 percent. These one-time Bush voters are more likely to be female, self-described moderates, low- to middle-income and from the Northeast and Midwest. .. fewer than 100 days before the Nov. 7 election, the AP-Ipsos poll suggested the midterms are clearly turning into a national referendum on Bush.

The number of voters who say their congressional vote this fall will be in part to express opposition to the president jumped from 20 percent last month to 29 percent, driven by double-digit increases among males, minorities, moderate and conservative Democrats and Northeasterners.

"I don't feel like the war was the answer," said Paula Lohler, 54, an independent from Worcester, Mass., who is inclined to vote her opposition to Bush. "It seems like it's going on and on and on and nothing's being done." (Read more in the 8/11 AP story)


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