Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sweeney's pro-pork votes

In a continuation of the fiscally irresponsible leadership Sweeney has supported, Congressman John Sweeney (R-NY) gets a record of 100% pro-pork. A conservative group gave Sweeney a 0-19 record and says score of 19-for-19 is a perfect, pro-taxpayer record. A 0-for-19 record means hostility to taxpayers.

Thanks to Congressman Jeff Flake's 19 anti-pork amendments, we now have every House member on record regarding their positions on earmarks. Before now, House members have been able to avoid scrutiny because their pork was co-mingled with other projects and tucked into the dark corners of big spending bills. Or they were able to withstand the scrutiny because they were attacked as a whole chamber and not directly attacked themselves.

But because of Flake's amendments, they were recently forced to cast up-or-down votes on specific projects. ...

A no vote on each of the following is a vote to keep the pork. Sweeney voted no on each of these:

House Vote 190 - Dairy education in Iowa ($229,000)

House Vote 191 - Hydroponic tomato production in Ohio ($180,000)

House Vote 192 - National Grape and Wine Initiative ($100,000)

House Vote 204 - Virginia Science Museum ($250,000)

House Vote 205 - Juniata Locomotive Demonstration ($1,000,000)

House Vote 277 - Swimming pool in Banning, CA ($500,000)

House Vote 278 - “Facilities” in Weirton, West Virginia ($100,000)

House Vote 279 - Multipurpose facility in Yucaipa, California ($500,000)

House Vote 280 - Strand Theater Arts Center in Plattsburgh, New York ($250,000)

House Vote 298 - Mystic Aquarium in New London, Conn. ($1,000,000)

House Vote 299 - The Jason Foundation in Ashburn, VA ($1,000,000)

House Vote 302 - Northwest Manufacturing Initiative ($2,500,000)

House Vote 303 - Lewis Center for Education Research ($4,000,000)

House Vote 304 - Leonard Wood Research Institute ($20,000,000)

House Vote 334 - Arthur Avenue Retail Market ($150,000)

House Vote 335 - Bronx Council for the Arts in Bronx, N.Y. ($300,000)

House Vote 336 - Johnstown Area Regional Industries ($800,000)

House Vote 337 - Fairmont State University ($900,000)

House Vote 338 - Tourism Development Association in Kentucky ($1,000,000)


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